I LOVE this post. Having spent most of my life fascinated by but unattached to lots of different places, my husband and I just said goodbye to the one place I have always felt was home--six acres of Ponderosa pines on Crooked Pine Road. We are setting out now as midlife nomads, owning nothing but what we can carry in our truck. One of the questions I always ask people when I interview them for my own Substack is "What feels most like home to you and why?" The answers--especially from fellow-travelers--are always fascinating. Thanks for this. I'm glad to have found you.

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I’m so happy it resonated with you and look forward to connecting further once I’m off a plane!

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Jun 29Liked by R. S. Hampton

Always a pleasure to read your writing!

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Thank you.

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Beautiful essay. And Lisbon is one of my favorite places too!

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I’m ready to go back.

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You words are not failing you at all. This is beautiful. I'm so glad you found your home.

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Great piece!

The conept of home reminds me of the long-running BBC’s TV series “Escape to the Country” where urban Brits shop for a rural dwelling “with character.”

The common phrase they use when they finally feel that magical home sensation is “I can perfectly picture myself living here.”

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I’ve not seen that. Sounds like me!

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Look it up on YouTube for lots of full episodes.

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I like to imagine that I live in the old house near the ocean that is featured in the Australia movie "Rip Tide". Its so light and airy, yet close to the water for relaxation and inspiration. I imagine sitting on the verandah looking out into the ocean, smelling the salty air, listening to birds chirp....

Unfortunately, I live in Ottawa where winters will freeze more than you know and the dark, dreary freezing rain just makes you want to leave.

Can my soul relax here and my heart be settled? No, but at least I travel and I can dream.

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As you know, I just moved from one of those oceanfront homes. It’s beautiful and you’re captivated until the maintenance bills, flooding high tides and hurricanes roll in. But I’m glad I checked it off the list. Living on the ocean is like nothing else.

Yes you can dream, but you can also do it…yes?

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Jun 28Liked by R. S. Hampton

What a beautiful essay. Glad you found your spot.

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Me too!

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Ok, please discuss everything you did before buying in Key West, as I want to buy a place in Key West!

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Okie dokie. I’ll do that soon!

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